
Category: Information Technology Solutions

Why does your organization need a MSP?

Why does your organization need a MSP?

How much do you know about external IT service providers? An external IT service provider can benefit your business in several ways: Ransomware and cyberthreat protection Cybersecurity and ransomware are two of the biggest concerns for businesses and individuals today. An external IT service provider gives you solutions to combat these threats so you can […]

What are you doing to stay compliant?

What are you doing to stay compliant?

Compliance PRO – Data Security & Privacy GDPR — the European Union’s data privacy and protection regulation — has set a 72-hour deadline to report the nature of a breach and the approximate number of data subjects affected. From the moment a business’ IT team establishes that a breach has occurred, the clock starts clicking. […]

A Healthy System Starts and Ends With Security

A Healthy System Starts and Ends With Security

You need a strategic plan that protects every layer of your IT ecosystem. Most businesses have heard the horror stories associated with cybersecurity attacks. Two examples include: Companies that were forced to pay huge sums of money to rescue their data from ransomware Malware that crashed servers, resulting in painful and costly downtime And with […]

Top 7 Considerations When Buying a Business Firewall

Top 7 Considerations When Buying a Business Firewall

Cybersecurity is a major concern for almost every business decision maker today. It doesn’t matter what segment of the business you’re responsible for, it is vulnerable to cyber criminals with nefarious intentions. Business firewalls monitor your internet traffic, allowing necessary traffic and blocking malicious actors.That is why understanding the most important issues when choosing a […]

8 Ways a Firewall Protects Your Business

8 Ways a Firewall Protects Your Business

The past few years has seen an alarming rise in the number of disastrous cyberattacks on businesses and government. Between 2019 and 2020, ransomware attacks rose by 62 percent worldwide, and 158 percent in North America alone. These distressing statistics are the reason your overall cybersecurity plan must include a managed business firewall. But what […]

Which Meraki Firewall Models Are Best for Small to Medium Businesses?     

Which Meraki Firewall Models Are Best for Small to Medium Businesses?      Meraki Firewalls

For modern small to medium businesses, network security means accounting for office networks, teleworkers, and cloud workloads. This dynamic is a major shift from the old “castle and moat” approach to network security and firewalls. Cisco Meraki’s firewall models are often an ideal choice for securing SMB networks because they’re designed with modern networks in […]

5 Advantages of Off-Site Storage for Small Businesses

5 Advantages of Off-Site Storage for Small Businesses

Keeping critical business information on site instead of in private or cloud-based storage is no longer practical and can lead to severe ramifications in the event of a disaster like hardware failure, power outages, and more. According to the National Archives & Records Administration in Washington D.C, 93% of companies that lost access to data […]

Why Cloud Data Protection Is Critical for Remote Work Setups

Why Cloud Data Protection Is Critical for Remote Work Setups

A breach that puts your data in the hands of a cybercriminal can take place in a matter of seconds, and can be catastrophic, costing thousands of dollars or worse. Most businesses have implemented some form of backups as a part of their IT support model. However, the type of solution needs to fit the […]

How Does Virtualization Help Data Protection and Disaster Recovery?

How Does Virtualization Help Data Protection and Disaster Recovery?

In years past, data protection or disaster recovery meant having an offsite backup or taking physical drives and moving them to an offsite location. We have come a long way since those days; we now have Data Protection as a Service (DPaaS) and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). What is Data Protection as a […]

Four Remote Work Security Musts: Creating a Secure Workplace Anywhere

Four Remote Work Security Musts: Creating a Secure Workplace Anywhere Remote Work Security

More than halfway through 2020, we are seeing many interesting challenges for business leaders. Among those challenges is the move towards a remote workforce. Many business leaders are now asking themselves, how do I protect all of these new remote users that could be connecting from anywhere? How can I secure collaboration applications like video […]

How to Encourage Remote Team Productivity While Maintaining Security

How to Encourage Remote Team Productivity While Maintaining Security

Many employers have moved their team to a remote work setup. This can be a learning process for everyone. Organization leaders must figure out how to keep their team on-task, on-schedule and connected while also remaining secure. Implement a Secure Collaboration Platform When leveraging a collaboration platform such as Webex Teams, organizations can chat, share […]

6 Tips for Maintaining High Workforce Productivity

As some employees begin returning to work while others settle in for a more long-term remote setup, companies are concerned with how these shifts will affect their productivity. Making small changes to habits can improve the levels of productivity within your business. Here are six tips on promoting productivity for your disparate workforce: 1. Take Regular […]